Carissimi Soci SGI,
Carissimi Soci Società Associate,
su indicazione del Coordinatore della Sezione GIGS, Prof. Rodolfo Carosi, vi inoltriamo le informazioni relative all'evento WAITING FOR YORSGET che si terrà in modo virtuale nei giorni 21 e 22 giugno 2021.
La Segreteria
Dear friends and colleagues,
We have decided to postpone for another year YORSGET in-person meeting. It will take place in Sicily on 16-21 June 2022 but we are happy to inform you that we are settling a two days digital event 'WAITING FOR YORSGET' on 21 and 22 June 2021. This web-meeting represents an attempt, even in a virtual way, to stay in touch with people who have already made a pre-registration as well as other further potential interested people. You are warmly invited to take part in this digital event. The digital meeting will be hosted by the SGI (Società Geologica Italiana) web-platform (Gotomeeting virtual room hosting up to 200 people). We are also planning to manage secondary virtual rooms for posters and Q&A slots. More information will follow.
The program of the event will be:
June 21, 2021, 13:40 CET: Welcome from the Organising Committee
14:00-15:00 CET: Keynotes:
Whitney Behr: "What's down there? The structures, materials and environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor".
Haakon Fossen: "From deep continental subduction to profound orogenic stretching: The Caledonide example".
Q&A and Poster session: 15:00-17:00 CET
June 22, 2021, 14:00-15:00 CET: Keynotes:
Michele Fondriest: "The shallow internal structure of carbonate-hosted seismogenic faults: constraints from field structural surveys and near surface geophysics".
Mary Ford: "Rethinking an orogen - a new look at the Pyrenees and how they evolved".
Q&A Poster session: 15:00-17:00 CET
Thank you for participating! Please, register to the event sending an email message and your abstract to and by May 30, 2021
Warmest greetings from the YORSGET-2022 Organising Committee
Rosanna Maniscalco (University of Catania, Italy), Robert W.H. Butler (University of Aberdeen, U.K.), Rodolfo Carosi (University of Turin, Italy), Eugenio Fazio (University of Catania, Italy).
Please, stay tuned!
Young researchers in Structural geology and Tectonics
New Event: 'Waiting for the YORGSET' on 21 and 22 June 2021