Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to our session TS7.9, "Inheritances, structures and kinematics of the Apennines and interactions with Alps and Maghrebides in space and time", at vEGU2021 (virtual EGU General Assembly). We welcome contributions with a wide range of disciplinary approaches, scales of investigation and time-frame, from Permian to the Present, applied to the study of the Apennines and their along-strike northern and southern continuation in the Alpine and the Magrebide orogenic systems.
Please, find further information about the session and abstract submission at:
Invited speakers:
Alina Polonia (Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche CNR-ISMAR)
Samir Bouaziz (University of Sfax)
Alfons Berger (University of Lausanne)
Deadline for abstract submission: 13 January 2021 at 13:00 CET.
with Best Regards,
Giancarlo Molli (Università di Pisa, Italia)
Eline Le Breton (Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Geological Sciences, Germany)
Domenico Liotta (Dipartimento Scienze Terra, Università di Bari, Italia)
Claudio Rosenberg (Sorbonne Université, Paris, ISTeP, France)
TS7.9 - Inheritances, structures, and kinematics of the Apennines and interactions in space and time with the Alps and the Maghrebides
The evolution of the Apennines is framed between the fragmentation of Pangea, the development of the Mesozoic Ligurian Tethys, Alpine collisional and the development of the Central Mediterranean Tertiary basins. In spite of the geometric continuity between Apennines, Alps and Maghrebides, their mutual relationships are still debated, in terms of kinematic interactions, timing, subduction polarity and role of microcontinents such as AlKaPeCa or MesoMediterranean terrane and its remains , e.g. the Calabrian-Peloritan block.
In this session, we aim to discuss: (a) the sedimentary evolution, from Permian to Present, and its relation with tectonics; deformation and metamorphism developed in the different tectonic environments, from rifting to subduction, exhumation and late-orogenic stages; (b) the role and evolution of the Mesozoic carbonate platform in the Apennines, Alps and Maghrebides; (c) the role of the Sardina-Corsica and Calabria-Peloritan arc to unravel the collisional puzzle in the central mediterranean area and the link between the Alps-Apennines-Magrebides; (d) magmatism in space and time and its connection with the geodynamic evolution, from the orogens to Tertiary extension; (e) processes forming geological resources, from oil to ore deposits and geothermal fields; (f) recent tectonics, as reconstructed through seismological and paleo-seismological studies; (g) the crustal structure, as derived by geophysical methods and their interpretation.
The final goal is to have thorough and fruitful discussions based on a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, improving our capability to define the interconnection between Central Mediterranean chains and the different processes defining the Apennines evolution from the early structural heritage to the present.
Call for Abstracts vEGU21: Session TS7.9 - Inheritances, structures and kinematics of the Apennines and interactions with Alps and Maghrebides in space and time