We are delighted to announce the Emerging Investigators Series in Applied Geochemistry. The aim of this Series is to highlight excellent work by independent researchers in their early career that bring new insights into the field of geochemistry or to promote the geochemical applications. Multidisciplinary work related to applied geochemistry, biogeochemical processes, and environmental geochemistry are also highly welcomed. Featured articles as well as the authors as emerging investigators will be extensively advertised to diverse disciplines and communities through multiple platforms of the journal and the International Association of Geochemistry (IAGC). The selected Emerging Investigators will also be considered as candidates for the early career honors bestowed by IAGC and the editorial engagements with Applied Geochemistry.
Applicants should complete their PhD (or equivalent degree) within the last 10 years, and have an independent career, to apply to the Emerging Investigators Series by contacting Editors-in-Chief, Michael Kersten and Zimeng Wang with the following information:
• Your up-to-date CV with full name, affiliation, contact information. The CV should be no longer than 3 pages and include the education and career, a (selected) list of publications, professional achievement, honors and awards, and a website of applicant's group if available.
• A synopsis of the article intended to be submitted to the Series, including a tentative submission date. Please see https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-geochemistry for more information on the manuscript types and other instructions for authors. Regular research article, rapid communication, feature article, and critical review are all acceptable to the Series.
Reviewing Criteria
Applications will be reviewed by the editors and the advisory board of the journal. The relevant criteria for reviewing will be based on the following:
• originality and novelty of the research
• scientific quality of the research
• potential for significant impact
• balancing factors related to inclusion and diversity
The selected applicants will receive formal invitation from the journal to submit their featured articles. Please note that submitted articles for the series will still undergo rigorous peer-review process as regularly submitted papers.
It will be an ongoing series with featured articles being added into the collection of Emerging Investigator Series continuously and displayed on the media of the journal and IAGC.
Applied Geochemistry - Open Call: Emerging Investigator Series