Venerdì 13 Novembre, alle ore 15, il Dott. Donato Giovannelli (Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Napoli Federico II) terrà un webinar dal titolo: Extremophiles impact on volatile cycling at subduction zones
Link per partecipare al webinar su Zoom:
Meeting ID: 898 6889 8828
Passcode: 2gcj6n
La waiting room del meeting sarà aperta a partire dalle 14:45.
Donato Giovannelli ha di recente ricevuto uno Starting Grant dell'European Research Council per il suo progetto CoEVOLVE (, con il quale studierà come la disponibilità di metalli in traccia ha influenzato l'evoluzione dei metabolismi microbici e dei cicli biogeochimici sul nostro Pianeta.
Siete invitati a partecipare ed a sollecitare la partecipazione di studenti, dottorandi e collaboratori.
Extremophiles impact on volatile cycling at subduction zones
Donato Giovannelli – Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Napoli Federico II
Subduction zones link shallow and deep biogeochemical processes, as fluids and volatiles are transferred between the two converging plates and the mantle. The resulting heterogeneous hydrothermal system associated with the subduction-related volcanisms offers a range of possible environments for life. Environmental microbes are often linked to the chemical processes they catalyze, however, few studies have determined how microbial distribution reflects deep subsurface processes on the scale of an entire subduction zone. Additionally, the possible role of subsurface microbial communities in influencing the volatile budget is not clear. Here, I will present our latest work and unpublished data regarding the role of subsurface microbial communities in modifying volatile cycling across subduction zones, and how deep plate processes can influence near-surface microbial life creating a complex system of feedback loops between the geosphere and biosphere.
Donato Giovannelli is an Assistant Professor in Microbiology at the Department of Biology of the University of Naples Federico II. With a PhD in Applied Biology, Donato has spent several years between Rutgers University, the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton (USA) before moving to the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo (Japan) before returning to Italy. His main interest is in the emergence and evolution of metabolism and the coevolution of the Geosphere and Biosphere. In his research, Donato is combining traditional microbiology techniques with cutting-the-egde molecular and computational tools to reconstruct geo-bio feedback in extant ecosystems as well as in deep time. He was recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant to study the role of trace element availability in influencing the evolution of metabolism on our planet. More about Donato's research group can be found at
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