27e Réunion des Sceinces de la Terre - Call for abstracts Session T1.5 Pluton emplacement vs tectonic setting - RST Lyon


Società Geologica Italiana

La prossima Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST) è stata confermata e si terrà tra il 26 e il 30 ottobre 2020 a Lione.
La scadenza per l'invio dei riassunti è il 17 luglio e invitiamo gli interessati a mandare contributi alla sessione: T1.5 Pluton emplacement vs tectonic setting.
Magmatism is a key feature to understand the tectonic evolution of continental and oceanic crust. In both orogenic and rifting settings, the study of magmatic complexes such as batholiths, plutons, and dykes, provides fundamental constraints for the timing of tectonic events, also because magmatic rocks are plenty of minerals suitable for geochronology. Regional tectonics plays an essential role in accommodating the ascent and final emplacement of magma through the activation of crustal scale shear zones. Magma intrusion modify the country rocks producing metamorphism, metasomatism, and brittle or ductile deformation. Magmatic structures reflects complex dynamics within magmatic chambers during pluton emplacement and, if related to syn-magmatic structures in the country rocks, may provide insights into the mechanisms of magma emplacement. This session seeks multi-disciplinary contributions focused on these topics by integrating  multiple techniques that includes field structural analysis, geochronology, petrology and geochemistry, UAV photogrammetry for 3D field modelling, microstructural (also aided by CT, EBSD, AMS) petrofabric analysis, thermobarometry, and numerical simulations. Contributions addressing the multistage evolution of magmatic systems and country rocks, from recent and ancient cycles, such as those of the Mesozoic-Cainozoic (i.e. Alps-Himalaya) and Palaeozoic (i.e. Variscan belt) times, are particularly welcomed.
Coordination: L. Casini (U. Sassari), E. Fazio (U. Catania), D. Zanoni (U. Milano)