La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata il 17 giugno 2020.
All information for the application to the 36th cycle of the PhD Course in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics, and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods (academic year 2020/2021) are available on the official page of the University of Trieste, in English or in Italian:
English version
Overview document
Admission Information
Italian version
Overview document
Admission Information
Research strands include the following topics:
- Climate dynamics and modeling
- Planetary and environmental large scale flows
- Biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem dynamics: models, computational methods and applications
- Near surface geophysics and hydrocarbon exploration
- Rock physics and computational geophysics
- Lithosphere structure, earthquakes and geophysical geologic mapping
- Sedimentary record of earth evolution and geological hazards
- Mineralogy and petrology
- Fluid mechanics in biological and technological systems
- Mathematical methods and modeling in fluid mechanics
- Partial differential equations
- Computational mathematics
- Computational and data-based modelling