Riva del Garda (Italy) 11-16 July 2021 (www.icfs2021.it)
The ICFS is an outstanding window on the questions posed by the academic research and on the application of scientific concepts and tools to the needs of society. The scientific community joining the ICFS has been growing, and in the last editions also geomorphologists, engineers and ecologists presented researches with different viewpoints on the processes, deposits and landforms that are connected to the fluvial systems. Nowadays, a close intertwining between different approaches is required to guarantee progress in understanding and managing rivers and their deposits. The 12 th ICFS will consider fluvial systems in their general and specific aspects at different time and spatial scales, from basin analysis and the source-to-sink approach in a continental scale down to the analysis of bedforms and depositional facies in outcrops, cores, flumes and virtual reality.
On the behalf of the Organising Committee, we would like to invite you as a representative participant in ICFS2021
We encourage you advertise this meeting in your group and researchers.
Sincerely yours,
Massimiliano Ghinassi
Andrea D'Alpaos
Alessandro Fontana
Nicola Surian
12th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology – ICFS2021