Update on GSA's 2020 Annual Meeting in Montréal


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear Members and Friends,
We realize you all have many issues and responsibilities that you are juggling, and we at GSA are considering everything we can do to assist you with your research, work, and careers. Currently, our dedicated volunteer leadership and staff are working hard toward the goal of hosting a very exciting program for you on 25–28 October, in Montréal, Québec, Canada. We fully embrace that the safety and well-being of our community across the world remains the highest priority. As such, we continue to closely monitor the situation and are working on viable options should we need to change plans.
Here are some steps we have taken to stay flexible and inform our decision making as the coronavirus unfolds:
  • We have pushed back the opening of the abstract submission system to 1 June to both give the COVID-19 response actions more time and to give you more time to consider an abstract submission.
  • Housing and registration for the meeting will also open in early June. The registration cancellation date is 28 September, and we will have made our final decision well ahead of that deadline.
  • The space request system is now open, and events must be scheduled by 8 June.
  • We are considering several contingency plans, including a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting or a fully virtual meeting. As the events affecting us all unfold, we will share our direction so you can share your science.
We at GSA are working to serve our members in every way we can, and planning for better days ahead. Thank you for your support and participation in the GSA family.
More information will be forthcoming in the May issue of GSA Today. Check the Annual Meeting website for updates. If you have questions or concerns about the meeting, contact meetings@geosociety.org.
Best regards,
Vicki McConnell
GSA Executive Director