A cura di: Piero Farabollini, Francesca Romana Lugeri, Silvia Mugnano
ISBN: 978-88-943275-6-4
Editore: Il Sileno Edizioni
Collana: Geographies of the Anthropocene
ISSN: 2611-3171
Year: 2019
Pages: 310
Language: English
Format: e-book
Volume: 2, No. 2, December 2019
Il volume è scaricabile al seguente link: http://www.ilsileno.it/geographiesoftheanthropocene/e-book-releases/
Increasingly, socio-natural risks and disasters represent the result of an unsustainable interaction between human beings and environment. The current scientific debate has generally agreed on the idea that the impact of natural hazards needs to take into account the social vulnerabilities and exposures to risk of the affected population. The most recent earthquakes have unequivocally shown the complexity of the phenomena and their multi-scale dynamics. Indeed, the territory is the combination of natural, social and cultural environment and only by exploring its anatomy and physiology, it will be possible to manage and protect it in the best way.
This volume collects a quite wider range of national and international case studies, which investigate how socio-natural risks are perceived and communicated and which strategies the different communities are implementing to mitigate the seismic risk. This publication has been possible thanks to a fruitful discussion that some scholars had at the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Malta from 2 to 7 September 2018.
Piero Farabollini, Ph.D. i Geomorphology (University of Perugia, Italy). He is Associate Professor of Geomorphology and Physical Geography at the University of Camerino (Italy), Earth Sciences Department and Coordinator of geological and geothematic field mapping and hydrogeological risk assessment projects. Previously he was coordinator of the Communication group of the National Council of Geologists and subsequently President of the Marche Association of Geologists. Currently he is Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction after the Earthquake in Central Italy.
Francesca Romana Lugeri, geologist, sociologist, geographer (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy); Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and Public Health (University of Camerino, Italy), she is researcher at ISPRA Institute for Environmental Protection and Research. Since 2016 she is Research Associate at the University of Camerino. Topics of current research projects are: unconventional scientific communication, disseminaion, education; science popularization for risk consciousness and prevention; landscape analysis, geological and geothematic mapping, GIS developing.
Silvia Mugnano is Associate Professor of Urban Sociology and her research interests include housing, urban transformation, and socio-natural disaster studies. She is teaching nationally and internationally on tourism and local development, and she is intensively working on promoting the topic of socio-natural disasters in the sociological debate. Her recent publications on the topic include Territori Vulnerabili (FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2017) and a Special Issue on "Socio-Natural Disaster, resilience and vulnerability: the territorial perspective in Italian current debate" in Sociologisa Urbana e Rurale (2016) and several articles among which "A New Normality for Residents and Tourists: How Can a Disaster Become a Tourist Resource?" (Springer, 2016).
Earthquake risk perception, communication and mitigation strategies across Europe