PalaeoArc - Processes and Palaeo–Environmental Changes in the Arctic: From Past to Present


Società Geologica Italiana

The Second PalaeoArc International Conference will take place in Pisa, Italy, 25-28 May 2020.
PalaeoArc is an international network research programme. The scientific goal of this six-year programme is to understand and explain the climatically-induced environmental changes in the Arctic that have taken place throughout the Quaternary and continue in the present-day. There are four major themes to the programme: 1) the dynamics of Arctic ice sheets, ice shelves and glaciers; 2) the dynamics of high latitude oceans and sea ice; 3) the dynamics of the terrestrial environment and landscape evolution; and 4), the climatic response to, and interaction between, these different parts of the Arctic system. A further underlying rationale for PalaeoArc is that knowledge of past environmental processes and change in the Arctic are key to understanding the present and future of the Arctic, and vice versa.

As a research network, PalaeoArc strives to bring together and build bridges between scientists from different countries and career stages, and from different disciplines in Arctic science. This includes marine and terrestrial researchers, working either with field data on numerical modelling approaches.  

PalaeoArc builds on and extends the legacy of previous network programmes that include PAST Gateways (Palaeo-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways), APEX (Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes), QUEEN (Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North) and PONAM (Polar North Atlantic Margins – Late Cenozoic Evolution). A key focus of the network's activities is an annual international conference that brings together Arctic scientists from a number of disciplines and typically includes an excursion. The network is led by an international Steering Committee representing nine different countries.


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