Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Ambientali e il CIRSEC con il contributo del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Pisa
Organizzano il workshop internazionale: Climate and Environmental changes: Past, Present and Future
Pisa, 16-17 January 2020
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Via Santa Maria 53 Aula C, First floor
Organising committee: G. Zanchetta, E. Regattieri, M. Bini, M. Vacchi, C. Morigi
Future generations may view climate and environmental changes induced by human activity as the most important issue of their time. When future generations will look back on our time, they will be able to regret our inaction or they can thank us, albeit late, for our commitment. This will depend a lot on our awareness and on our sense of responsibility towards our children, and above all, grandchildren. In our country, a clear and widespread understanding of causes and impacts of human-induced climate and environmental changes is still missing. This because at different levels, including the academic world, the discussion is misled by poor information and clichés. For this reason the "Master Degree in Environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa" and their students have organized two days of seminars held by international outstanding experts from various disciplines (Paleoclimatology, glaciology, archaeology, physical modelling, geochemistry). The aim is to illustrate to the broad public the background and complexity of the main climatic issues, and how different approaches can provide important information on our near future. In particular, seminars will stress the importance of the past climate as critical benchmark for an accurate understanding of the climate system and its present and future variability.
PARTICIPATION IS FREE. For any information please contact,
Climate and Environmental changes: Past, Present and Future