IAS 2017 Toulouse - session FSD8.1 on " seismic-scale fluid-sediment interaction "


Società Geologica Italiana

Rossella Capozzi (Università di Bologna), Aurélien Gay (Université de Montpellier) and Patrice Imbert (Total) are convening session FSD8.1 on " seismic-scale fluid-sediment interaction " at the forthcoming  International Meeting of Sedimentology, to take place on next October in Toulouse, an amazing and beautiful city in the south west of France. The pink city, so named because of its brick-built architecture, will enchant you!

This is a first attempt to raise enthusiasm in the small "fluid escape / sediment remobilization" community and gather many high-interest abstracts.

So, let's focus on the scientific content : 

One privileged tool for studying fluid circulation in sedimentary basins is  seismic reflection, which highlights fluid circulation-related features on scales ranging from a few meters (seep carbonates) to several kilometers (mud volcanoes, injectite complexes) or even covering vast areas of basins, like hydrate-related bottom-simulating reflections or polygonal fault systems. The session will address these issues through a combination of seismic-oriented presentations highlighting specific fluid-related features or systems, but also outcrop examples of such phenomena in the fossil record, or live examples exposed at the surface or at the seabed. Insight into the processes from analog or numerical modeling of individual objects, as well as basin modeling to replace observations in the frame of basin-scale fluid circulation should also be included. 

For the last 5 to 10 years there is lack in the description of processes driving fluid migration from its source to the seafloor. So, the communications focusing on such subjects will be very welcomed. As you can see, there is no need for the presentations to be based upon seismic data, nor to include seismic information. So, outcrop examplesand theoretical work on processes are clearly welcomed as well. 

Depending on your contributions (and motivation !), we may plan to propose a special issue in a journal which is always a good ooportunity for ideas and new concepts to spead out.

Please, please feel free to forward to your teams / colleagues / friends or even foes who might be interested and provide interesting – and why not contradictory – views on any aspect of this general theme

Kind regards, and see y'all in Toulouse

next October

The conveners' team: Rossella, Aurélien and Patrice

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