One important event of our 42nd International Congress (Cascais, Oct. 2019) will be the election of the Chairs/ co-Chairs of the six CIESM Scientific Committees for the period 2019-2022. These researchers will form the CIESM Science Council during the next triennium, advising the Director General in matters of marine research, and will act as CIESM ambassadors during their mandate.
Voting will follow a presentationof the top candidates in each committee in the morning of 8 October. Chairs are elected by their peers : as authors of Congress papers/ posters, or as session moderators, you will have the privilege and opportunity to vote for the candidate of your choice in the sector closest to your research interests.
We are seeking dynamic, sharp candidates with international visibility and a strong taste for multi-lateral research to fill these honorific, highly responsible positions. If you are interested, please check the mission and profile of these posts and send me a short resume in strict confidence. Women applications are particularly welcome. The deadline is 26 August.
Have a nice summer.
Prof. Frédéric Briand, Ph.D. | Director General
The Mediterranean Science Commission, CIESM
In search of the next CIESM committee Chairs... bright, creative, sensible, etc..