Dear Colleagues,
We would like to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to the session P45 'New developments and challenges in experimental volcanology' at the national conference SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, Italy, 16 to 19 September 2019,
A description of the session is provided below.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts is May 20th, 2019, h. 19.00 CET.
Information about abstract submission can be found at
We particularly encourage contributions by early-career scientist, PhD or master students.
Best regards,
Alessandro Vona
Laura Spina
Daniele Morgavi
Stefania Sicola
Session P45. New developments and challenges in experimental volcanology
Convenors: Alessandro Vona (UniRoma3), Laura Spina (INGV-Roma1), Daniele Morgavi (UniPg), Stefania Sicola (UniRoma3)
Unravelling volcanic dynamics and related time scales is of a primary importance to better comprehend volcanic hazards. Volcanic feeding systems are characterized by a plethora of different processes (e.g, chamber replenishment, mush rejuvenation, fluids transfer, magma mixing, mingling and crustal assimilation, nucleation, growth and segregation of bubbles and crystals, volatiles escape and fragmentation) occurring under dynamic P-T paths and flow regimes and over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, stresses and time scales. All of these processes ultimately influence the eruptive behavior of volcanoes, and affect the patterns of geophysical data observed at the surface and the petrology of the erupted products.
In this frame, the controlled and simplified environment of laboratory experiments allows to 1) identify and investigate the fundamental physical processes behind the observed eruptive dynamics; 2) provide systematic, repeatable and quantitative results in terms of key physico-chemical parameters; 3) build a consistent experimental dataset that complement with field observations, geophysical studies, laboratory analysis, analogue and numerical modelling to improve our understanding of the connections between surface observations and deep magmatic processes.
In this session, we look for contributions focused on experimental approaches, devoted to untangle eruptive behavior, plumbing system dynamics and time-scales of eruptive events. Innovative and multidisciplinary studies are of course particularly welcome.
Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P45 'New developments and challenges in experimental volcanology'