Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P46 'Physical Volcanology of Explosive and Effusive Eruption: Insights from multidisciplinary studies'


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear colleagues,
We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the following session, to be held at the national conference SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, 16 to 19 September 2019).  

P46. Physical Volcanology of Explosive and Effusive Eruption: Insights from multidisciplinary studies

Invited Authors: Roberto Sulpizio & Pierfrancesco Dellino (da confermare)

Conveners: Alessandra Pensa (UNIROMA3), Matteo Trolese (UNIROMA3), Stefano Urbani (UNIROMA3), Silvia Massaro (CNR), Alessio Di Roberto (INGV)

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Proposed by AIV
Volcanic eruptions doubtless represent the most spectacular show of nature's force, encompassing a variety of eruption styles from gently effusive to violently explosive. Consequently, volcanologists are called upon to deal with different eruptive scenarios, which implies the emission of a multitude of volcanic deposits, ranging from lava flows to pyroclastic density currents, and hazards. A multidisciplinary approach is therefore required to better assess pre-, syn- and post- eruption dynamics involving several physical processes from the deepest to the shallowest portions of a volcanic edifice such as: magma ascent, effusive/explosive transition, volcanic plume dynamics, the emplacement of lava flow, pyroclastic flow and fall deposits, caldera collapse and lahars. In this regard, real-time observations of active eruptions, detailed documentation of the physical, chemical and textural properties of volcanic deposits, and physics-based numerical and analogue experiments must be used together to improve our conceptual models of eruption processes and emplacement dynamics. We aim to gather interdisciplinary contributions on volcanic processes that could help understanding the links between observed or modeled dynamic phenomena and the deposits that volcanoes leave behind in the geologic record. Furthermore, we like to encourage discussion on the importance of combining different expertise from all modern volcanology disciplines to have a holistic view of the physical processes that drive the volcanic activity