Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P40 'The C, S, and halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) tale: unravelling fluids and redox processes from the subducting slab to volcanic emissions'


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear colleagues,
We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the following session, to be held at the national conference SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, 16 to 19 September 2019).  

The invited speakers for this session are Prof. Dr. Esther Schwarzenbach (Uni. Berlin) and Dr. Giancarlo Tamburello (INGV, Bologna)

P40: The C, S, and halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) tale: unravelling fluids and redox processes from the subducting slab to volcanic emissions

Subduction zones are one of the most vibrant geodynamic settings where volatile elements such as C, S, and halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) are transferred from shallow reservoirs to lithospheric mantle, giving place to a complex geochemical cycle that is still poorly understood. Fluids released by prograde metamorphic devolatilization reactions can mobilize these volatile elements and percolate the overlying mantle wedge, in a process that ultimately triggers arc magmatism and volcanism. C and S volcanic emissions and the "sedimentary signature" of arc lavas are indeed the ultimate evidence of the contribution of slab derived fluids to the Earth's atmosphere and newly forming crust. Moreover, the mobilization of redox sensitive elements such as C and S plays an important role for the short- and long-term evolution of the redox state of the mantle. Altogether, the fate of metamorphic fluids has a leading part in regulating subduction and supra-subduction metamorphic, magmatic, and volcanic processes, influencing the redox budget of the mantle, and governing the physico-chemical evolution of magmas in the Earth's lithosphere. In this session, we foster cross-disciplinary collaboration among  metamorphic petrologists-geochemists and volcanologists, to probe and integrate petrological and geochemical approaches to comprehend the crust/mantle-exosphere exchange and dynamics of C, S, and halogens cycling from subduction zones to the atmosphere. We welcome contributions addressing research that tackles petrological, geochemical, and volcanological aspects of the dynamics of fluid-mediated, metamorphic and magmatic processes regulating the cycle of C, S, and halogens through subduction zones.

Conveners: Giulia Consuma, Francesca Piccoli, Mattia Pistone
Invited speaker: Prof. Esther Schwarzenbach, Dr. Giancarlo Tamburello

We are looking forward to seeing you! 
Giulia, Francesca, Mattia

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