Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P13. A multidisciplinary approach to unravel the evolution of basement geology


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari colleghi,
vorremmo porre alla vostra attenzione la sessione P13 del congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, 16-19 settembre, 2019; webpage: intitolata "A multidisciplinary approach to unravel the evolution of basement geology".

Invitiamo i possibili interessati a sottomettere contributi di tipo multidisciplinare (e.g. cartografia geologica, analisi meso- e microsturtturale, petrologia, petrocronologia e termocronologia) rivolti alla caratterizzazione dell'evoluzione tettono-metamorfica dei basamenti metamorfici.

Ricordiamo che la deadline  per la sottomissione dei riassunti è il 20 Maggio, 2019, h. 19.00.

Un caro saluto e arrivederci a Parma,

Antonio, Chiara, Salvatore

P13. A multidisciplinary approach to unravel the evolution of basement geology
Conveners: Antonio Langone (IGG-CNR Pavia), Chiara Montomoli (UNITO), Salvatore Iaccarino (UNITO)

The tectono-metamorphic evolution of crystalline basement complexes carries fundamental insights on processes, and their rates, acting within the Planet Earth. Historyof crystalline basement is commonly testified by complexly deformed rocks, showing theoverprinting of different tectonic and metamorphic episodes. Starting from the pioneering studies carried out on mountain belts (e.g. Alps, Scottish Highlands and Himalaya) different approaches and techniques were developed to decipher and constrain this complex evolution. Nowadays, the achieved progress and knowledge stressed the fundamental role played by a multidisciplinary approach for the study of basement complexes. Detailed structural-geological field mapping, integrated with meso- and micro-structural investigations, petrofabric analysis, petrochronology, petrologic modeling are fundamental tools to infer helpful information on the pressure (P) - temperature (T) - deformation (D) - composition of the system (X) - time (t) - fluid activity (a) path of crystalline rocks. All these information are fundamental for the building up of tectonic models. In this session contributions dealing with field mapping, structural and microstructural analyses, geothermobarometry, geochronology and thermochronology of the crystalline rocks are encouraged.