EPOS call per Core Logging LAB


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear All,
I'd like to announce the Core Logging LAB is available through EPOS TNA call for Multi-Scale laboratories.
Physical access or remote service (sample analysis) to 38 facilities across Europe Multi-scale laboratories are offered to researchers affiliated with European and non-European research institutes.

Online application submission at

Deadline for application is April 21st, 2019


As part of the EPOS Multi-scale laboratories Trans-National Access activities, the Core Logging LAB (EPOS rock/melt experimental facilities) offers  free physical access and technical support for 30 days maximum to up to 5 persons and/or remote service. The Core Logging LAB, a joint laboratory between OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and applied Geophysics) and the Univ. of Trieste, focuses on non destructive analysis for physical properties and structure's visualization on sediment cores (whole and/or split) and rock samples by using Multi Sensor Core Logger, Core digital Imaging system and X-ray CT system.

For further information about the LAB facilities and services, don't hesitate to contact

Dr. Andrea Caburlotto
OGS, National Institute of Oceanography and applied Geophysics
Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c, Sgonico (Trieste, Italy)
office ph: +39 040 2140482

Best regards,
Andrea Caburlotto