Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI 2019 - Call for abstract Sessione P19 'Unveiling the Antarctica: geological, geophysical and sedimentological approaches to the evolution of Antarctica'


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari amici e colleghi,
vorremmo segnalarvi la sessione P19 del prossimo Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI (Parma, 14-19 settembre 2019) dal titolo "Unveiling the Antarctica: geological, geophysical and sedimentological approaches to the evolution of Antarctica"

Se interessati vi invitiamo a presentare un Vostro contributo, e vi ricordiamo che il termine ultimo per la presentazione è il 20 maggio 2019.

Per maggiori informazioni potete comunque consultare il sito web del Congresso

Non esitate a contattarci.

Un caro saluto
Ci vediamo a Parma.

Valerio, Fabrizio, Franco, Fabio, Sergio.

P19. Unveiling the Antarctica: geological, geophysical and sedimentological approaches to the evolution of Antarctica

Conveners: Valerio Olivetti (UNIPD), Fabrizio Balsamo (UNIPR), Franco Talarico (UNISI), Fabio Florindo (INGV), Sergio Rocchi (UNIPI)

Our understanding of the geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic continent and surrounding oceans remains fragmentary, due to its ice sheet cover and inaccessibility. In the recent years, the Italian scientific community has strengthened its activity in the Antarctic
research, and thanks to substantial national funding from the Italian Antarctic Research Program, a wealth of new data have been acquired and others will be acquired in the future. The results provide the base for new models and insights that transcend Paleozoic to present-day timescales, sedimentary to the deepest lithospheric domains, as well as onshore to offshore environments. The aims of this session is to provide a broad forum of scientists working on different aspects of the evolution of Antarctica. We encourage contributions from all disciplines of the earth sciences (including geophysics, structural geology, sedimentology, geomorphology, volcanology) focused on Antarctic geology at all scales and depths within the Earth.