Dear colleagues and friends of ICDP attending the EGU General Assembly 2019 in Vienna,
you are cordially invited to join the ICDP-IODP Townhall Meeting on Scientific Drilling (Tuesday, April 09, Room N2, 19:00-20:00)
ICDP and IODP scientists and program representatives will provide brief updates on current projects and future key research topics. These updates will be followed by an opportunity to get together over refreshments.
Please take also notice of the following sessions related to scientific drilling and ICDP:
SSP1.2/CL1.32/EMRP3.11/GD2.9/GMPV1.7/NH5.12/TS1.4 Achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling Thursday, 11 Apr, 8:30-12:30 orals (room 0:31), 16:15-18:00 posters
GMPV4.3: The formation and modification of oceanic crust and the upper mantle: Insights from the Oman Drilling Project and related investigations in the oceanic lithosphere Tuesday, 09 April, 8:30 -10:15 posters, 16:15-18:00 orals (room 2.91)
EOS4.2 Outreach in Geoscience: what does it mean to you? Thursday, 11 Apr, 14:00-15:45 posters
ER6.6/EMRP1.91/NH4.7/SM6.4 Hydraulic testing, frac operations and induced seismicity in geoenergy projects Thu, 11 Apr, 14:00–15:45 orals (room L2), 16:15–18:00 posters
SSP3.1/BG4.4/CL1.29 Limnogeology - reading the geological record of lakes Mon, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:15 orals (room D3), 10:45–12:30 posters
NH2.1/ GMPV5.18 Submarine Volcanic Activity and Associated Hazards: Recent and ancient perspectives Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15 orals (room L8), 10:45–12:30 posters
Finally, please take the opportunity to meet and discuss with us at the IODP/ECORD - ICDP booth #51/53 in the Entrance Hall.
We are looking forward meeting you in Vienna!
Best regards,
Thomas Wiersberg