Conveners: Andrea Argnani – (ISMAR-CNR, Bologna, Italy); Fabiano Gamberi (ISMAR-CNR, Bologna, Italy); Andrew Madof (Chevron Energy Technology Company), Massimo Rossi (Eni Upstream & Technical Services)
The study of multi-scale datasets and the integration between disciplines plays a key role in the exploration and exploitation of resources, for which a thorough understanding of subsurface stratigraphic architecture is an essential pre-requisite. In recent years, new thinking and technologies have emerged to help unlock additional hydrocarbon reserves, especially in challenging settings such as basins undergoing active deformation and morphostructural reshaping.
An increasing number of studies now conclude that sequence stratigraphic concepts need to be re-considered with the aim of constructing an inductive and model-independent discipline, thereby departing from the current, deductive, and aprioristic approach. Looking from a cross-disciplinary perspective, this session aims at attracting contributions that address relationships between tectonics and sedimentation using revised sequence-stratigraphic approaches, both surface and subsurface datasets, and integration between scales.
We seek contributions from researchers using: 3D-based data that documents laterally-variable accommodation in settings with moving tectonic hinges; the record of depositional systems and their response to high-frequency allogenic and autogenic changes; process-oriented stratigraphic reconstructions (high-resolution 3D seismostratigraphic interpretation and seismic geomorphology); numerical and analogic stratigraphic modelling (three-dimensional visualization and synthetic stratigraphy); and integration between digital outcrop models and subsurface data.
IAS 2019 - Call for abstract session 11.2 - New concepts and tools to unravel depositional architecture in deforming basins: From seismic stratigraphy to analogue models