Giampaolo Pialli was a brilliant structural and regional geologist of the University of Perugia suddenly died 20 years ago, at the age of 59. Giampaolo has been a teacher and friend of many of us and we still miss him. Since the end of the 70s, he created the first Italian structural-geology based research group in seismotectonics.
Giampaolo was an open-minded and inclusive researcher, always open to dialogue and discussion and interested in the use of multidisciplinary approaches working at different scales for the solution of geological problems. These are also the traits and the salient features of the CRUST, the Italian inter-university center for seismotectonics which involves 12 Italian Universities with the common aim to better understand earthquake/faults interactions and to build a realistic 3D unified structural-seismotectonic representation of Italy. This model is finalized to a better evaluation of the seismic hazard and risk reduction.
The workshop will consist of two-day conference and is aimed to favor exchanges of ideas and opinions between Italian and European geologists and geophysicists who operate on active tectonics, seismotectonics and seismogenesis using different methodologies, with different spatial and temporal scales. Italy is as an ideal study area where deep geological processes are associated with surface expressions in active crust-scale tectonic contexts with different kinematics. These evidences allow a better understanding the overall earthquake process cycle.
Date – orari di svolgimento
The Workshop will be held in Perugia (Italy) from 9th to 10th July 2019 in the fascinating location of the San Pietro complex, which includes the basilica, three cloisters, the bell tower and several buildings that embody the monastery, the Department of Agriculture of University of Perugia (, and the seismic observatory "Andrea Bina".
San Pietro complex, Perugia (Italy).
Tools, data and models for 3D seismotectonics: the Italian over time laboratory - A 'CRUST' interdisciplinary workshop in memory of Giampaolo Pialli