Cari colleghi,
vi segnaliamo la sessione P10 di vostro possibile interesse, al congresso della SGI-SIMP che si terrà a Catania dal 12 al 14 settembre 2018 (sito web:
La deadline per la sottomissione degli abstracts è fissata al 21 Maggio 2018.
P10. Tectonic and sedimentation relationships in Mediterranean basins and belts. A tribute to Fabio Lentini
Proposers: Agata Di Stefano (Univ. Catania), Rosanna Maniscalco (Univ. Catania)
Invited speaker: Rob Butler – University of Aberdeen (UK)
The session deals with sedimentary basins and orogens of the Mediterranean region and gives an overview of the interplay between tectonics and sedimentation in different geodynamic settings from rifting to continental collision. Nowadays sedimentary basins and orogenic areas must be studied as geodynamic entities and with a multidisciplinary approach. Therefore the session welcomes oral contributions on sedimentary character of basins, basin stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, tectonic control on sedimentation, and seismic stratigraphy. The session is dedicated to professor Fabio Lentini, who devoted his working life to the study of Mediterranean orogens.
Arrivederci a Catania,
Agata e Rosanna
SGI-SIMP 2018 - Call for abstract Sessione P10 "Tectonic and sedimentation relationships in Mediterranean basins and belts. A tribute to Fabio Lentini"