SGI-SIMP 2018 - Call for abstract Sessione P22 "Melt/fluid rock interaction and migration from the mantle to the surface"


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to drop your attention on the P22 session "Melt/fluid rock interaction and migration from the mantle to the surface" that will take place at the SGI-SIMP Congress (Catania, Italy, 12-14th September 2018;

Proposers: Giulio Borghini (Univ. Milano), Martina Casalini (Univ. Firenze), Tommaso Giovanardi (Univ. Modena-Reggio Emilia), Barbara Faccini (Univ. Ferrara), Sciarra Alessandra (INGV, Roma)

Different lines of evidence indicate that mantle sources of basaltic magmatism are heterogeneous at all spatial scales, including both refractory and variably enriched domains. Mantle metasomatism and refertilization are the main processes in creating chemical and isotopic heterogeneity. Fluids (melts and volatiles) play a fundamental role in these processes, as well as in subsolidus re-equilibration, magma degassing, fault lubrication and rheology, magnitude and style of eruptions. Gas emissions in volcanic and non-volcanic areas can provide precious information on the composition of volatiles within the deep mantle and are fundamental for seismic and volcano monitoring. This session aims at investigating the nature and timescale of depletion/enrichment mechanisms driving melting vs. metasomatism, combining petrological and geochemical studies, experimental investigations and tectonic/paleomagnetic studies. Our specific target is to create a bridge between scientists that use different approaches, modeling and way of thinking in order to provide an integrated view able to link deep and superficial processes. The deadline for abstracts submission is 21st May 2018.

Abstracts Info:

Thanks for your attention

Giulio, Barbara, Alessandra, Martina and Tommaso