SGI-SIMP 2018 - Call for abstract, Sessione P11 " Faulting and folding across the scales. How, where, and why the lithosphere deforms "


Società Geologica Italiana

Cari colleghi,
vi invitiamo a sottomettere un contributo alla Sessione P11 " Faulting and folding across the scales. How, where, and why the lithosphere deforms " del prossimo Congresso SGI-SIMP (Catania, 12-14 Settembre 2018).

In questa sessione avremo il piacere di ospitare due comunicazioni ad invito:

- Fabio Corbi (Università Roma Tre)
- Paola Vannucchi (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)

Il termine per la presentazione dei contributi è fissato per giorno 21 maggio 2018.

Per maggiori informazioni potete consultare il sito web del Congresso:

P11. Faulting and folding across the scales. How, where, and why the lithosphere deforms

Proposers: Fabrizio Balsamo (Univ. Parma), Stefano Tavani (Univ. Napoli-Federico II), Stefano Zanchetta (Univ. Milano Bicocca), Massimo Mattei (Univ. Roma Tre)

The understanding of fold- and fault-related deformation pattern at different scales is a useful tool for plate tectonics reconstructions and to study the seismicity of a region. Furthermore, deformation in the lithosphere, whether in brittle or ductile environment, provides pathways for fluid migration and mineralisation, thus impacting the exploitation of Earth's natural resources. Therefore, the understanding of how, where and when lithosphere deforms is of paramount importance for both academic and practical uses. In this session we invite the geological community to discuss lithosphere deformation properties using different methodological approaches and different scales of observations. Field, laboratory and theoretical studies are welcome. 

Vi ringraziamo per l'attenzione e speriamo di vedervi numerosi a Catania,
Fabrizio, Stefano, Stefano, Massimo