Gentili colleghi,
siete cordialmente invitati a sottomettere i Vs. lavori alla Sessione P14 "Georesources and Energy for the XXI Century" del prossimo Congresso SGI-SIMP (Catania, 12-14 Settembre 2018). Il termine per la presentazione dei riassunti è fissato per giorno 21 maggio 2018.
Per maggiori informazioni, potete consultare il sito web del Congresso:
I lavori presentati potranno far parte del volume speciale della rivista Geofluids, i cui dettagli sono riportati in calce.
Ringraziando per l'attenzione,
salutiamo cordialmente
Fabrizio Agosta, Roberto Gambini, Sergio Longhitano, Stefano Mazzoli, Giorgio Minelli, Emilio Tebaldi, Emanuele Tondi, Pierluigi Vecchia
Geofluids and Energy for the XXI Century
The proposed Special Issue will be aimed at publishing cutting edge research findings in the fields of fossil and renewable underground energy resources, CO2 storage, and their management in terms of productivity and environmental vulnerability and sustainability. It will be intended as a scientific platform to present studies focused on various kinds of processes relevant for geo-energy related applications. The great uncertainty in characterizing the effective properties of subsurface reservoirs of geofluids is strongly related to the complex distribution of their internal heterogeneities, which are due to depositional, diagenetic and/or tectonic processes. For this reason, many different disciplines such as basin analysis, sequence stratigraphy, fault and fracture analysis, regional geology, etc. are often employed to better decipher both stratigraphic and structural architectures of subsurface reservoirs.
The Special Issue will welcome both original research articles and review articles dealing with the challenge of providing reliable supplies of affordable energy in environmentally sustainable ways. Multidisciplinary works aimed at investing the geological complexity of subsurface reservoirs of geofluids will be highly valued. Moreover, case studies disseminating knowledge-based practices on both exploration and development activities, and investigations of outcrops analogues of subsurface reservoir of geofluids will be also welcome.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
• Geological analysis for energy storage
• Static and dynamic reservoir modelling
• Fluid storage and migration properties of fault zones
• Petrophysics and formation evaluation
• Analogue and experimental modelling of subsurface reservoirs of geofluids
• Forward numerical modeling of seismic data
• Grav-mag modelling of subsurface reservoirs of geofluids
• Integrated basin studies
• Natural Gas Hydrates
• Geo-energy and CO2 storage
• Stress field in subsurface reservoirs of geofluids
Submission Deadline October 26, 2018
Publication Date March 2019
Guest Editors: Fabrizio Agosta, Sergio Longhitano, Stefano Mazzoli, Giorgio Minelli, Emanuele Tondi
SGI-SIMP 2018 - Call for abstract, Sessione P14 "Georesources and Energy for the XXI Century"