Using Particle Physics to Understand and Image the Earth


Società Geologica Italiana

Dear Colleague,
we are seeking geo-graduate students and post-docs to attend the 2nd edition of the Summer Institute "Using Particle Physics to Understand and Image the Earth".  The Summer Institute will be held at the University Institute for Higher Studies, IUSS - Ferrara 1391 in Ferrara (Italy) in the period 2 - 12 July 2018. The online application has to be submitted before the 22nd of April.

Additional information and the registration form are available here:

This initiative is supported by the International School on Astroparticle Physics (ISAPP), a network including 36 institutions and doctorate schools which has the mission of encouraging students exchanges and developing joint educational programs.

This Summer Institute seeks to train the next generation of international scientists in fundamental concepts applicable in their immediate fields and to open their minds to worlds existing beyond their specialty. In the scenario of a global scientific and technological knowledge, innovation in one field can stimulate new ideas and applications in other unrelated areas of science and/or society.

The lecture program will focus on topics of geoscience, cosmochemistry, nuclear chemistry and neutrino physics. The Summer Institute will be organized in frontal lectures and hands-on sessions dedicated to calculations and exercises. There will be a student poster session and a short presentation of results from exercises.

Motivated graduate students with a background in Earth science and/or particle physics are very welcome. After a competitive selection based on students' CV, only 26 applicants will be accepted. To join the Summer Institute a 300 euro fee is requested. A limited number of scholarships, including registration fee and accommodation expenses, are available.

I would really appreciate if you could forward this communication to potentially interested students.

With my kindest regards,
Fabio Mantovani on behalf of the ISAPP Organizing Committee.