June 16-21, 2018 | Vancouver Convention Center | Vancouver, BC, CANADA
General Chair's Welcome
I invite you to Vancouver, Canada, in June 2018, to attend the first international conference dedicated to the availability and delivery of resources to sustain future generations. Resources for Future Generations – RFG2018 will examine three critical resources – energy, minerals and water – in the context of the earth, environment, society, and the needs and roles of future generations.
The conference will take place under the auspices of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), and will be delivered by Canadian partners – the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES), the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), the Geological Association of Canada (GAC), and the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC). Over 85 sponsors, technical partners and supporting partners, representing a wide variety of local and global interests, are playing critical roles in the development of this novel conference. Attendees will represent earth science and engineering research and practice, industry, governments, Indigenous people, and communities. We especially welcome early career professionals, researchers, and students and will have dedicated events for them - the Future Generation.
RFG2018 has six major themes – Energy, Minerals, Water, Earth, Resources for Society and Education. The Earth theme addresses the knowledge that underpins the future availability and responsible use of resources, and provides venues for a wide variety of sessions covering fundamental and applied earth science, topics of particular interest to members of IUGS, GAC and MAC. This theme links through sessions that will focus on the interplay between human ingenuity and new technologies in the context of a world that is changing dramatically and unpredictably, to numerous sessions covering societal themes related to governments, Indigenous people, communities, civil society in general, and education. The sessions and posters cover many areas of specific interest, and topics that should appeal to many of the participants.
Given the multi-sector, multi-disciplinary nature of the conference, we have developed a plenary program that will include 2-3 sessions each day with topics that address the major opportunities and challenges related to the three key resource sectors. These sessions provide opportunities for all participants to listen to speakers and panel members with international stature, and to participate in the ensuing discussion. Check out the plenary session and speakers on the RFG2018 website.
The conference will be held on 16-21 June 2018 in Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver is a magnificent city surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Canada's gateway to Asia and other Pacific nations. The city is renowned for being forward-looking, friendly, cosmopolitan and entertaining. It is also an appropriate location for RFG2018, since the extraction and responsible management of energy, minerals and water are integral to the success of British Columbia.
On behalf of the RFG2018 Steering Committee and all of our partners, I look forward to welcoming you to Vancouver in June 2018.
John F.H. Thompson
Chair, RFG2018 Steering Committee
Read the Rock Star article (first published in about our General Chair!
Resources for Future Generations