Dear colleague,
the flyer for call of papers for the special issue in Tectonics dedicated to Prof. Renato Funiciello is reported below.
To express your interest in ...
Dear colleagues,
next IAS meeting will be held in Toulouse (France - 10/12th October 2017).
We invite you to submit an abstract to the session CSP2.7 (abstract ...
Gentili colleghi,
abbiamo il piacere di annunciare che la seconda edizione del Petroleum Geology Student Contest avrà luogo nei giorni 4 e 5 Ottobre 2017 ...
Dear colleagues
we would remind that the deadline for the abstract submission is in a week (15th June)
FSD8.1 Seismic-scale fluid/sediment interactions
Conveners. ...
Dear All,
the TecTask Commission ( of the IUGS, following the success of OUTCROPEDIA, is happy to announce a new initiative entitled "Outcrop ...
Over 4500 abstracts have been submitted to Goldschmidt2017, and we are looking forward to a busy conference with an exciting science program and a great range of extra ...
La seconda edizione dei "Sabato al Museo – Il Maggio Museale della Sapienza", organizzata dal Polo museale, si è conclusa con un notevole successo di ...